Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Why do we not really help victims of natural disasters?

A not very nice question, but something that has been preying on my conscience.

I am not talking about the odd donation here and there. I donate but I am sure I could donate more by sacrificing my car, buy cheaper/ less food, not go out, not buy clothes, or gifts etc. So why don't I? Why do we carry on as if nothing has happened on the other side of the world where there are people trapped in earthquakes and cyclones?

Aplogies to those who have been offened by my question and those who who really are not in the position to give.

Why do we not really help victims of natural disasters?
Their will always be tragedies and people suffering. No matter what you do it will not end. Dont get me wrong, I think its great that u want to help. Every little act of kindness makes the world that much better.
Reply:because ultimately we are selfish human beings that are afraid to give too much because we dont want to sacrifice our own needs... it all comes back to the instinct of survival i reckon..
Reply:Because it's not really our matter and there's really not much we can do. Also because it's affecting the other side of the world and it doesn't really affect you, so why not just take care of your own problems and move on with your own life and let them take care of their own matters? Sometimes I ask this question myself but realized this is just how life is. What can you do? Had we had a natural disaster here, people in the other parts of the world will be doing the same.
Reply:Thats a good question really.

Perhaps becuase alot of us already donate to certain charities and if we are honest trying to Live in the UK at the moment in its current state is a bit of a joke, with everything go up except the wages. and its getting harder %26amp; harder to get by. And Our goverment give enough of our money to these disasters anyway.

If you think of all the millions / billions of pounds that have been raised by red nose day etc over the years for the 3rd world countires. Are things really any better there NO is the answer because they dont seem to much further ahead than they was years ago, So what is really happening to all the money raised
Reply:But we ARE helping.

Sure, you can't jump on a plane and expect to be put to work. And you can't think that all your donations are going to a worthy cause. But just by paying taxes, you support a system which has the infrastructure already in place to help in times of crisis. The amount of aid the government sends out is enormous, and usually under-reported. Hurricane Katrina notwithstanding.

But why do you think you should lower your standard of living to donate to the less fortunate? Do you perhaps suffer from abundance? You can't save everyone, all you can do is a small share. Do what you can, but leave enough for you to live and enjoy your life.

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