Thursday, July 30, 2009

I am starting to put together a debate on PRO Imperialism, help with debate questions?

Hey. We're beginning to put together our History oral assessments and debates. My group's topic is to prove that Imperialism was JUSTIFIED. For the debate we are going to need to ask the other side (UNJUSTIFIED) questions to prove their point wrong. Any suggestions, help, etc.? Thank you!

I am starting to put together a debate on PRO Imperialism, help with debate questions?
Imperialism as demonstrated by whom? While there are common threads, US Imperialism has certain key differences with British, French, Japanese an Chinese Imperialism, just to mention a few.
Reply:Look at the old arguments about the "whiteman's burden", and think of variations on it. For whiteman read civilization, for civilization keep in mind that it's always what the colonizer considers civilized.
Reply:Corporate imperialism in South America led to regimes that were totalitarian terrorist states. The population was subjected to imprisonment and torture.

The United States was found guilty of terrorism by the World Court in Hague for its attempts to overthrow a populist government in Nicaragua.

After the US provided assistance to countries in the form of loans and other support, the GNP of those countries increased while the rates of starvation among the populations increased.

To argue against these truthful statements, you must take a stand with the global corporations saying that economic development is the most important thing. In reality, the big corporate executives and stock holders are making money while the people suffer under totalitarian/terrorist governments. It is good for corporate profits. It is very bad for the vast majority of people.

How can anyone argue PRO on this topic? You'd need to be a souless vermin like Rush Limbaugh to take this position and actually believe it.
Reply:Well, devil's advocate here, Imperialism was justified because of the advances in health, science, technology that slavery allowed. (?) Like, make an arguement that even though it was inuman etc that the free time allowed the priveleged to focus on scientific advances that benefited everyone.

The trickle down of scientific and other knowledge from Dominator Society to Dominated Society.

Something, kinda off topic, that's irked me in a few College History Classes is when professors say that 'diversity is strength' when they're talking about how the English and soon-to-be Americans just didn't recognize the Indigenous Peoples Diversity. Etc.

The English (apparently) didn't *understand* that 'Diversity is Strength".

If if that simple and diversity = strength the 'indians' wouldn't have been decimated and turned against each other quite so easily. Same goes for the Democrats in most elections!

Diversity is good for some exploring posibilities and discovering new ideas...but having a streamlined, loyal and shark-like organization is good stuff too IE%26gt; attacking and destroying your enemies and getting stuff done.(something many Food Not Bombs, Left Wing Protest groups would be wise to understand.

(putting my soap box away now :)

Good luck, you have your work cut out for you, but it sounds really interesting!

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