Thursday, July 30, 2009

My child got into my make up and stained my bathroom sink counter...HELP!?

ok, what can i use to remove blush stain from my white bathroom counter? i do not own make up remover, and was thinking something like baking soda and vinegar mix. Didn't tr it yet because i don't want to ruin it, and all you knowledgable folks on yahoo can help me out! Thanks!

My child got into my make up and stained my bathroom sink counter...HELP!?
i think baking soda and vinegar is a safe bet to try
Reply:Try dish washer or toothpaste, scrub it out with a mesh scrub....
Reply:Try the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser.
Reply:i sometimes get makeup on my sink and immediately i use those wirey pads with soap (that are tough to the touch) and they always work for me.
Reply:comet or some abrasive clenser maybe even just some bleach to sit on it a few minutes should work.
Reply:Since your countertop is already white, just use bleach.
Reply:Use bleach, bleach cleans everything especially white counter tops
Reply:A better mix would be hydrogen peroxide and baking soda, mixed into a thick paste then rubbed on the spot. Lay a hot cloth over it and let it soak for a few minutes-it should "melt" the makeup and come right off. Salt sprinkled on half of a lemon should work for any leftover spotting. Good luck! If that stuff stains you counter, just think what its doing to your skin! I use beetroot powder instead to avoid the chemicals. (and stains)!
Reply:If it's white you can use some bleach and water.... That should remove any staining.. Rinse and possibly repeat.. Or try SOFT SCRUB w/ bleach that should work as well...

Good luck...

*I have to hide my make-up bag too!
Reply:I have successfully used baking soda to remove a lot of stains, including rust. Go for it!
Reply:I would use oxyclean. It gets stains off of anything! I've used it for stains on hard and soft surfaces-it even got red permanent hair dye off of my off white sofa! Just mix it real strong like 1 scoop to 4oz of water. Good luck!
Reply:scrubbing bubbles
Reply:rubbing alcohol

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