Hillary should give up totally and never try again.
Wh9o knows how butt ugly Hillary will be in 2012.
Will Hillary indirectly try to help McCain win so she can try again in 2012?
I really don't think that is in her war plans.
In the first place, I bellieve that she will be in nearly the same
position as McCain is in now, as far as her age goes.
Too old for consideration for president.
Having said that, I will have to clarify myself in the fact that I
whole heartedly believe that the antics of Hillary and Barrack
have defeated the democratic nominee, whoever it turns out
to be, and they have made it not only possible, but highly
probably that John McCain will be the next president of the USA!
Reply:Well, I know a lot of Clinton supporters who will certainly jump on the bandwagon for McCain. Obama is the worst choice America could make for its President. Obamanites may as well accept the fact they got their nominee, but that is where it will stop. Former Clinton Supporter for McCain, that is me.
Reply:No, she will not, she has already said she will support Obama if he is the nominee. She loves the democratic party to much not to. I wish she would, the democratic party has not supported her, and if I were her I would not support them. Hell they don't even support their voters.
Reply:Clinton politics will be dead in a few more weeks. Hopefully CLinton, Peloski, Michael Moore and Rosie Odonnel wil buy a ranch in Canada some where. Ill pitch in to help get things rolling.
EDIT: Just for peoples info.....Hilary was a registerd Republican before she married Billy
Reply:Of course, if I cannot take and win this nomination, I will try to help John McCain, my good friend and colleague, win the presidency. Oh, but I'm not jealous of Barack.
Reply:I severly doubt it, she has been a hardcore democrat since she could vote. She's about the least likely to switch party lines.
Reply:Sounds Clintonesque enough, so, the answer is yep.
Reply:I hope so (my opinion)
from a x dem BECAUSE of OBAMA
Reply:Yes and so will her supporters. We see the danger of Obama in the white house.
Reply:Um, yeah what ever makes you feel better about losing. Thats it.
Reply:no way, she loves this country
Reply:Isn't that what she is doing now?
Reply:Why not she helps Bill or anyone that she can get what she wants from even Obama %26amp; all. Cut em down till you know your going to lose, she said about a month ago Obama was electable.... uterly ending it for herself even with his miscues.
truth is comming out daily.
yet most blacks will support him regardless they support OJ and Michael Jackson with millions in defense funds cause when your black your right.
Yet electability McCain is no spring chicken, but then again neither was George Washington, or Ronald Reagan, time will tell if elected I hope he picks a VP that loves black people too and most of all Jesus who is the only answer to the mess we are in.
I get tired of blacks with chips on their shoulders, angry and mad, My ancestors came to America in the early 1900's along with about 50% of America and since than thanks to the Democrats 15% Mexican intruders too. Why blame us when the minority that was here, half of them put their lives on the line to free you. My Jewish people didnt have one Egyptian fighting to free us!
my Jewish people were taken as slaves and all abused far more than most black slaves ever were, yet i dont have a chip against Egypt, we live better lives because of it, we dont justify living like pigs because of the Egyptians, and live in the blame game, When we blame another for our life, we will change and get worse.
Obama is also a citizen of a country in Africa so he has dual roles along with seeming connections with the Terrorists.
Jesse Jackson %26amp; Sharpie will continue to be the mouth pieces for most Blacks along with OJ and Michael Jackson, because the loudest voice gets their donations.
I go to an all black Church, with a few Hispanics there they love Jesus and dont go for the Political trype and hype.
Hillary Clinton disgraced America from Whitewater scandal to standing by Bill Clinton in Monicawater and the other 'waters' he paid off to drop the charges of sexual misconduct against him, as he openly lied to you, me, America and disgraced us to the whole world.
but about Obama (Dear Jesus, save the USA),
but McCain does intend on leaving when the situation is under control so the terrorists arnt given the country and the oil,
and right now the terrorists are pouring in to fight there now, and a major leader of the terrorists just got caught in Iraq today!
Did Obama lose his mind, when he claims the Hamas terrorists dont want him over McCain?
Mr Obama is the one still financially supporting Mr Wright the biggot "who has a right to feel like he does" The one that says Obama is just playing politics saying he doesnt agree.
Obama supports him finacially weekly with his donations and attendence at the place Mr Wright is the senior and paid by that place, with his "God 'd' America the terrorists who deserved 9/11". Who awarded Kadafii the leader of Libya=who lets terrorists train in his country!
Accuses McCain
Obama accuses McCain of 'losing his bearings'
AP - 48 minutes ago
AP - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said Thursday that Republican John McCain was "losing his bearings" for repeatedly suggesting the Islamic terrorist group Hamas preferred Obama for president.
Is Mr Obama Muslim education who says pull out of Iraq (let the terrorists take over the oil and the country with money to fund all the terrorists Muslims including Hamas!
Is Obama out of his mind, thinking they dont prefere him?
It is time to stop attacking Mr McCain and Americans to stand up against terrorism, fight them there or 9/11s here it wasnt an accident you know
David in Jesus amazing grace John chapters 3 %26amp; 10 repent of sins and be born again, with Jesus as your best friend.
~**~Revelation 1:1 %26amp; 3:19%26amp;20 Jesus says speaking from heaven, I love you and ask you to repent quickly, Behold I stand at your heart door and knock, if you ask me in, I will come in and be your friend to fellowship with you and you with me." ~**~
so i prayed, "Jesus help me, I am sorry for my sins, even one lie, come into my heart, and be my friend, amen"
a new life of joy and inner peace began
We NEED JESUS, not a social gospel of hate and biggotry, THEN AGAIN EAT, drink and be merry (Democrats advance leave out Christmas in public schools with their ACLU anti God anti Bible Liberal agenda. GET HIGH oh yes Bill never inhaled or Monica, who cares about America?
Jesus does and he will get you higher and happier, than any disgrace, and fill our souls as our best friend if we let Him.
state flower
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