Thursday, July 30, 2009

I want to shave my husband's head and need help?

I think it will be totally HOT; he's a bit thin anyway. He has agreed to do it on the condition that I shave it for him after he has it done the first time. Any advice on what kind of razor to use? Also, should I buy one of those hot lather machines that I have seen at Target? He will be stopping at the barbers Monday after work and I guess I could meet him there and watch the lady do it, but could still use some tips from other women who shave their men! Thanks.

I want to shave my husband's head and need help?
you dont need anything special. i use a beard and mustache trimmer, or you could just use a hair cutting trimmer, then when you get it down close, take a safety razor and go all over his head, any one will work, i use a slim twin throw-away. it works really good, then i wash my head and put after shave on my head, to get the irritation out. good luck with the shaving, ill know he will like it, i do.
Reply:I use a Gillette Mach 3 razor and ordinary shaving cream. You don't need anything special.

Shaving always works better immediately after a shower.
Reply:I used an electric shave with a close blade option and cover. You want to be careful not to cut him. Watching the barber should help as well. Good luck
Reply:I shave my dad's hair quite often.

All I use on it is a plain and simple electric razor.

It works just as well as anything else.

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