I am 40 weeks pregnant and I am dilated to 3cm and thined 80%. Problem here is I am having NO signs of labor. I can not go walking. The dr advised not to go on a long walk. So any other suggestions? I want this boy out!!!!
How can I help bring on labor at 40 weeks?
hi i went in with my best friend when she went in for a water birth with her ivf baby, her labour stoped and after 10 hours the widwife said to her husbabnd you need to play with her niplles , as you can guess we all left and she was not impressed with him doin it, last thing you need when knackered and tired but the midwfe was right, 30 mins later contrctions started and hour later her little girl was born so i would try that or as i went in to labour go over a bridge in a car that will make your tummy turn over lol good luck xx
Reply:I'm 15 and not looking forward to child birth, whenever it may be. But yeah I really would have no idea...
keep sneazing.
Reply:has the doc advised against sex or spicy foods? I heard that can help.
Best of luck
Reply:sex, fresh pineapple, curry (though you might end up with different pains)
Reply:Here are some ways to induce labor naturally
These methods may help ripen your cervix-making it soften, efface and dilate.
The natural labor induction methods we'll discuss are:
* Sex
* Food
* Nipple Stimulation
* Herbs
* Castor Oil
* Acupressure
You've heard it said before, but at nine months pregnant, you might not be as excited at the prospect as the man in your life.
OK, now that we've tackled the big question, let's discuss something much easier to accomplish. I'm sure that at some point you've probably heard of this way as well.
Nipple Stimulation
This is one of the natural ways to induce labor that you may never have run across. Oddly enough, it is one of the most effective.
Historically, the next topic on our list has been used worldwide by pregnant women. Before things like pitocin and cervidil were invented, midwives knew that certain herbs induce labor.
Castor Oil
Along the same lines as herbs, many oils can be used for inducing labor naturally. Some are taken in pill form whereas others are applied topically or swallowed in liquid form. Foremost among these is the practice of using castor oil to induce labor.
this next method is by far the most relaxing, comfortable one to try. If it doesn't work, you'll still be glad you tried.
The last idea I'd like to mention is a method that you are using every day without realizing it. Every time you walk, you are using one of the natural ways to induce labor. Yes, that's right. Walking is a time-honored method of speeding labor. It uses the forces of gravity to aid in ripening the cervix to prepare for the birth of your new baby. With every step you take to the bathroom, remember you're one step closer to labor
For more information visit my free website
Reply:all though we have all heard all the myths about these things that can bring on labor, the only thing that is tried and true is time. Unfortunately, we feel that we have control over when nature wants this baby out - well we don't. The baby will come when he's ready and when nature intends for him to come! good luck ♥
Reply:I do not know why your Dr. would say "no walking" is the major prescription here in the US. also,,,,,,,,,,SEX, SEX, SEX, u want to have this baby quickly,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,walk lots, and have sex as often as possible. ;-) (from the USA)
Reply:Rasperry Tea, fresh pineapple, sex, curry, walk up and down the stairs, plan a night out to go on - sods law you won't get to go on it!
Reply:As much as you are not going to want to hear this there is NOTHING that you can could to help start your labor.
Its all about chemical balance, when your body is ready for labor, and when those hormones get released for labor to start, this isnt something that you can FORCE.
All of the above methods except for castor oil are worth "trying" but if in fact labor does start it would be because your body is ready, if your body isnt ready NOTHING including a medical induction is going to work.
Reply:The fetus is already in full term and must be induced to get out of your tummy. Your doctors are in the best position in determining the right course of action to help you and your baby. The risk of your baby in overstaying inside you is quite significant. There is a possibility of jaundice infection or poisoning of the fetus. Normally, if you are not in labor pain the situation calls for a C-section delivery as soon as possible. Go ahead call your Ob-Gyn!!!!
Reply:Hot bath?
Reply:I've heard going up and down an elevator will work, but I have no clue if its true. With my first child I went to the movies and the next morning we went to the hospital. Sometimes the kid just has to come with hes ready. Hard thing to hear to, cause when you've been pregnant that long its time. Good Luck. I hope he stops being stubborn and comes.
Reply:there are lots of things you can try, as the others have said but i believe the baby will come when he is ready
Reply:Sex and spicy food does help! My doctor advised me at this stage to walk stairs up and down, good luck and I hope you don't have to wait much longer! All the best
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