Monday, May 24, 2010

How does trampolineing help tone your body?

ive got a 8ft trampoline i go on it more then over 30mins a that good of should i be doing more.also what does it tone in your body i know yours legs but does it do you belly.when i get off the trampoline my bellys hurts why more thing when will i see the results of toned body and i eat healthy.

How does trampolineing help tone your body?
the trampoline can be a pretty good workout if you do it long works your butt, legs, and abs.

But you SHOULD be doing more than just 30 min. on a trampoline..try jogging or walking a few miles as well
Reply:my roomate is big into trampolining as a sport and hes really toned but also cause of the way the trampoline bends he has really bad ankles.i dont think its worth it plus trampolining as a sport! what a load! also the tramp club are a pack of retards
Reply:Of course it good for you!

Nice calfs, thighs, butt!

And, it builds your metabolism.

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